To thank all the gorgeous ladies who have already visited our store, Dawn Islander and I we've decided to organize a big contest called WooT Idol Contest!
The prices are quite nice I think, look:
- the winner will get a cash price of 2000L$, 3 WooT outfits, a professional model book and a big pic of her in our store ; )
- the 2nd WooT Idol will win 500L$ cash price, 3 WooT outfits and a big pic of her in our store
- the 3d WooT Idol will win 3 WooT outfits and a big pic of her in our store
To enter in this contest, rules are easy:
- In game, send me(MissPure Voom) a folder named "WooT Idol Contest-your name-"(for instance for me it'd be WooT Idol Contest MissPure Voom, please name the folder properly or I won't be able to contact you if you win).
In this folder, put 1 or several (3 maximum) pics of yourself in a WooT outfit and also send me a note introducing yourself and why do you like WooT outfits.
- You can also enter in the contest by sending me your pics on flickr, just join the WooT Idol Contest group on flickr, please tag your pics by your full SL name and make a short description.
The advantage of joining the flickr group WooT Idol Contest is that you can post as many pics of yourself in a WooT outfit as you want, so it increases your chance to win!
Closing date for entries: April 28th
Please ladies don't be shy, I'm looking for different people and all I wanna is to be surprised so enter in the contest and become a WooT Idol!
Good luck ; )