A Friendly, helpful, funny, multi-lingual, multi-talented, loves to meet people, loves to explore SL but still a normal girl.
I am a Builder and already done some custom House/Shop/Building with my business partner.
An Instructor since last year. Already teach different classes in 2 Languages (English & German) and Co-founder of =ILC= International Learning Center located in Afton.
As an Interior Designer who already done some works for Sunbelt, Language Lab and Xerox
Member of SL Volunteer Group run by Linden as Mentor and Linguist, who loves to help and answer Newbie and other Residents. You can find me mostly in Help Island
As a Designer who create some Low Prim Furniture, Juwelry, Shoes and some Clothes. Trying my best to create items and i got lots of fun making it.
I am also Splashing Doll Skins and POSEbility Owner/Creator.
Loves to do some Tour with Friends or other People who need a Tourist Guide around SL World. I host already some Events, Slingo and Build Your Skills/Guess a Prim Games (its like Pictionary). I am also Machinima Model/Actress
And lastly as passionate Model. I help also to coordinate a show, teach perfect looking class and train models during rehearsal.
**Why do i like Woot Outfit?
I like it because its nice, lovely and i remember when i was a teenager (hey im not old eheheh) i got similar outfit like that, my grandma bought me when i was 12...waaaa memoriessss...anyway I like it and i look cute on it...dont i? ehhehehh
1 commentaire:
Supertramp et Polnareff. Il y a un morceau qui s’appelle '82, rue des Martyrs' (...) et une qui s'appelle 'Elle me dit' ", avoue-t-il. En attendant ce robes de bal disque, Mika poursuit sa tournée d'été et sera à Compiègne le 9 juillet prochain et à Ajaccio le 13 juillet.Une initiative que le couple de stars formé par robes de bal Ashton Kutcher et Demi Moore n'a pas trouvé de bon ton. Et les deux acteurs ne se sont pas faits prier pour exprimer leur indignation et leur robes de bal
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